Pump Jack Nail Holes, Pt.1
Pump Jack Nail Holes on New Construction Homes — Part 1
A pump jack scaffold system is used during new construction while putting the siding on end-gables (picture 1). As the worker goes up the wall installing the siding (picture 2), the scaffolding is ‘pumped’ to raise it and is supported by 2 steel poles which are nailed to the new roof at the top (picture 3). When the scaffolding is removed, the nail holes in the new roof are often filled with sealant or left open. Open holes in the roof allow for water penetration and sometimes a lot of it.
This issue only affects new construction homes and newer homes that were not inspected by someone who got on the roof after the siding was finished. If this issue exists, it will often be found at multiple locations on that roof. I find nail holes in brand new roofs because of this all the time. These holes are tiny (see photo) and cannot be seen from the ground and are often missed by drones. You need an inspector who physically gets on the roof. Call me to get your house inspected.